
This document has been prepared solely to provide some background information about the estates contained on this website. It must not be used for any other purpose.

Photographs, plans, pictures and representations (together, plans) accessible through this website and third party websites such as, and not limited to


are (and are intended to be) indicative only, and may not accurately or fully depict the actual or final development at present or in the future. The plans are not, and may not be treated as being, a representation in any respect by Satterley Property Group Pty Ltd, any seller or landowner and or any of their respective officers, employees, agents or advisers (together, developer) or anybody else.

The developer may, at any time, amend or replace any plan without notice. All dimensions and areas are subject to survey. Authorities should be consulted when services are, or are likely to be, contained within lot boundaries as building restrictions may apply. All retaining walls, services and associated easements are shown in an exaggerated form for legibility. The existence and location of any landscaping features or other amenities are indicative only. Other services and amenities that may be shown on the plan may be in progress, due for completion in future, or may be indicative only, and are, in any event, subject to change, at any time.

Recipients are invited to inspect the development described and ask the developer about any of these matters.

This website and third party websites mentioned above contains various opinions, estimates and forecasts that are based on assumptions that may not prove to be correct or appropriate. All projections and forecasts in this document are for illustrative purposes only. Actual results may be materially affected by changes necessitated by, or resulting from, planning approvals, policy, economic and other circumstances, or changes in any of them. The developer does not warrant or represent that any plan, projection, forecast, assumption or estimate contained in this document may or will be achieved.

To the maximum extent permitted by law neither the developer nor anybody else:

  • makes any representations or warranties or gives any undertaking, whether express or implied about any of the matters in this document;
  • is responsible or liable for the adequacy, accuracy, completeness or reasonableness of any plan, this document or anything in it; and
  • is responsible or liable for any error or omission in this document or any plan, however it arises.

The information in this website and third party websites mentioned above has been prepared as of 1 November 2017 and may not be current at any time after that date.